Cucumis - Ilmainen käännöspalvelu
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Kaikki käännökset

Pyydetyt käännökset - chico latino

Alkuperäinen kieli

Tulokset 1 - 13 noin 13
Alkuperäinen kieli
Englanti Dear Ing. M (man) we bought the device in the web...
Dear Ing. M (man) we bought the device in the web site of your company. You’re responsible for the contacts in your web page. Sorry we waited long time. Next week the case will be brought to the Judge of Peace in Italy and you’ll called to pay even for the expenses of the legal procedure. Kind regards
the word man should't be translated

Valmiit käännökset
Puola Drogi Panie inż. M..., zakupiliśmy to urządzenie ...
Alkuperäinen kieli
Englanti Dear Ing. M .... (man) we never received any...
Dear Ing. M .... (man) we never received any reply, neither the electronic device… or the compensation as you promised. We are therefore compelled to bring the case to the Court and submit it to the Judge of Peace in Italy.
Please evaluate if it is more convenient for you to conclude positively the case with us as you promised or you prefer to bear the legal expenses for a trial in Italy.
Kind regards
the word man shouldn't be translated

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Puola Drogi Panie inż. M...
Alkuperäinen kieli
Englanti Dear Ing. M (man), would you please proceed to...
Dear Ing. M (man),
would you please proceed to compensate us as you promised?
Would you be so kind to reply us?
Thank you.
Kind regards
the word (man) shouldn't be translated

Valmiit käännökset
Puola Zechciałby Pan wypłacić rekompensatę
Alkuperäinen kieli
Englanti Dear Ing. M (man), we hope everything is fine...
Dear Ing. M (man),
we hope everything is fine with your businesses.
How would you like to compensate us, as you wrote in your previous email, for the device …. for which we paid 1350 EUR and we never received?
We have been waiting for long time. We hope you will act honestly in order to solve the problem.
Thank you.
Kind regards
the word MAN shouldn' be translated

Valmiit käännökset
Puola Drogi Panie inż. M.
Alkuperäinen kieli
Puola Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoś...
Witam.Szanowny Panie bardzo mi jest wstyd że ktoś kto współpracował z moją
firmą został oszukany.Wydaje mi się że Pan K..... ma duże kłopoty
finansowe będę chciał Panu zrekompensować poniesioną stratę.Proszę mnie
powiadomić czy do chwili obecnej nie otrzymał Pan urządzenia, K.....
odbierał z Zakładu dwukrotnie urządzenia dla Pana.Pozdrawiam

Valmiit käännökset
Englanti Complaint response letter
Italia Risposta alla lettera di reclamo
Alkuperäinen kieli
Italia E……. mai ricevuto Ing. M…. (uomo)
Gentilissimo Ing. M….. (uomo) la ringrazio per la email.
Le confermiamo che abbiamo pagato 1350 EUR per il dispositivo elettronico E……. e che a distanza di molti mesi NON abbiamo mai ricevuto il vostro prodotto dal sig. K…. (uomo).
Siamo molto tristi e dispiaciuti di essere stati vittima di una truffa.
Lei è l'unica persona che ha il potere e l'autorità per fare qualcosa per risolvere il problema.
Potrebbe cortesemente aiutare a risolvere il problema e a tenerci indenni dal danno subito provvedendo personalmente ad inviare il prodotto che abbiamo acquistato al nostro indirizzo in Italia?
Un cordiale saluto,
la parola (uomo) non è da tradurre.

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Puola Prośba